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The Finer Point

These are difficult times!
Here it is - we are all spiritual entities trapped inside a fleshly shell. Spirits (souls) that are neither female nor male - but both - that suddenly find themselves in human form (possibly animal form) and having to deal with the genetic enhancement of that form.

So - how do we handle this situation?

Are we to bend to the "strong" will of the flesh - OR - serve our time in this particular situation (life on Earth) by playing the hand we are dealt?

Aside from the fact that doctors are making "gender" decisions in delivery rooms - as they are presented with a newborn having both sex organs (and sometimes a reptilian tail), with one set of sex organs more prominent than another, where the decision is left to the doctor's discretion. But what if the doctor's call is a mistake? What if genetic testing of these children could more accurately determine what sex they are - taking the guesswork out of a lifelong decision that the individual is required to live with?

I am at once reminded of trying to fit into a pair of pants that are just too tight. I'm sure all of you have experienced this. Or - perhaps a pair of shoes. There is nothing more uncomfortable than an ill-fitting pair of shoes. So the question here is this: would you want to walk around the whole of your life wearing an uncomfortable pair of shoes? I think the answer is obvious: no, you would not!

Now - expand that experience to your body. What if you were more female than male or visa versa - walking around in a body that just didn't fit. What if you looked male - but your DNA suggests otherwise?

Not a situation - I would like to face.

So - should these people be allowed to marry? Should these people be allowed to physically change their appearance, and have insurance pay for it? Yes - I believe they should. If genetic testing proves their DNA doesn't match their form - then Yes.

Now, how about a person whose DNA matches their form - but they are still not comfortable with their gender? This is more a spiritual dilemma than a biological one - because (as stated) our souls are neither male nor female - but both.

If we look at gender from a spiritual perspective then we can address this problem more intelligently. Perhaps (if DNA and gender match) the reason this soul has come into the world in the form it presents to the world - is because this soul is meant to "overcome" the Natural Man (Natural Man being used here as a generic term referencing Natural Fleshly Urges).

Perhaps this is that soul’s test/trial while here on Earth?

So - should these people be allowed to marry? Should these people be allowed to change their gender?
SINCE it is not our job to judge - how can we judge their motives?

However - since I believe that Man was made for Woman and Woman for Man - in an ideal world I would say, "Not from a spiritual perspective." BUT we are not living in the spirit world - we live in a fleshly world that is primarily driven by fleshly desires.

So - if we change our gender to match the way we feel - should society embrace us? If we do not change our gender - but choose to live as the opposite gender sex - should society embrace us?

Difficult questions.

If this world is a TEST of our spiritual character (not fleshly character, because the flesh is fleeting/it's what's inside that matters to The Creator of ALL things) then (notwithstanding the whole DNA/Gender/Delivery Room debacle) I think we should live the hand we're dealt.

If you are born male - you should rise above your Natural Man/Fleshly Desires and live as a male! If you are born female - you should rise above your Natural Man/Fleshly Desires and live as a female!

Is the world to judge you in your decision? No! Only The Creator of ALL things can judge. The Creator of ALL things – loves us ALL – regardless of race, creed or color! A CREATOR who is in ALL religious text – but who shares that same text with “little ‘g’ gods”who would deceive us in plain sight!”

Should a preacher be forced to marry "same sex" couples if it goes against his/her beliefs? No! That decision comes from their "soul self". They have a right to decide whether or not to go against their beliefs. The couple seeking marriage made the decision to live the way they choose. If we allow them to live their decision - a preacher's decision is no less viable!

And there you have - The Finer Point!
by Author Lyn Murray
Copyright 2015

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