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Lyn's Caveat Emptor

Buyer Beware!

They can wait till Hell freezes over - I won't be waiting with them, because they're awaiting the antichrist . . .  and I think they know it!


This IS why Jesus comes back! (It's why He came in the first place . . . to expose the lies and the liars of much of the Old Testament, and other religious text. The One True God of Creation is in there (some part of Him is in All religious text)  . . . BUT you really have to ferret Him out, and separate His doctrine from that of the imposters.


Personally, I'm having a hard time believing anything Before or After the arrival of Jesus - the God of Creation in the flesh of His own Son.


So should you!

Lyn neither supports nor doesn't support . . . she just likes their picture!

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