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See more photos and hear more stories in Lyn's book:





Ghostly Encounters ?!






All About Paranormal Activity Association



















We meet, share, discuss, and examine all things unexplained.



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Lyn and her husband have experienced some unusual things - over the past twelve years.


You'll hear about some of them here . . . and see a few pictures, too.



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What they captured with their digital camera is unknown.  Some call them ghosts - some don't.  All they know is that whatever it was, it interacted with them - sometimes playfully, sometimes not . . . it followed them and responded to voice promptings, and acted as their escort.


They have so many thoughts on the subject: are ghosts and shadow people - really the dearly departed, are they residual life, are they interdimensional beings, are they something mimicking life, could they be demonic, OR could they be something completely alien in nature? What they are - no one knows, and anyone who says differently is just fooling themselves - and you!


However, ghostly encounters aren't their only experience. Several times while traveling through Arkansas and Tennessee along Interstate 40 during pre-dawn hours, and once in broad open daylight, they found themselves bouncing around in time.  It was a terrifying experience. And they were not alone, other cars were present, but try as they have to locate and talk with the occupants - none have ever come forward. Wish they would!


Of all the strange experiences they've had, the most troubling was the time displacement along Interstate 40. They were lost in time! They describe it as being trapped inside a time loop - where time kept repeating itself, which was preceded by a shimmering distortion that surrounded their car. Having no one to talk with, and rather than torturing themselves thinking about it, they pushed the episode aside, to the back of their minds - Until, and quite unexpectedly, the memory came rushing back some years later - after a routine C-Scan revealed evidence of a posterior biopsy - that never happened.  Not by conventional means anyway!


Past medical records prove that they've never had any such procedure.


While Lyn and Joe are not experts in the Paranormal field, their curiosity makes up for whatever expertise they lack. If we had to give them a title . . . Paranormal Researchers would fit the bill. This couple loves anything having to do with the strange and unusual, and they totally enjoy talking with others who share similar interests and experiences, saying, "At least they don't think  we're totally crazy!"


Enjoy the photos.





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